Start Selling Your Homemade Food Online

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App to Sell Homemade Food

The rise of home-based chefs selling home cooked food to the public has caused a wave of new at-home cook apps, order and delivery platforms, and culinary business websites to flourish. Why? Maybe because more people are at home these days, and fewer people are dining out. No doubt, it has become more difficult to get an open delivery slot at your favorite supermarket. And, the often empty shelves and long lines at grocery stores have caused more people to turn to apps like Yummit, HelloFresh and the Fromahome app to help select, cook, or order foods locally.

Many technologies have emerged that are enabling more people to start an at-home food business. Software developers continue to improve on the app to sell homemade food, building in features that support business operations like mobile point-of-sale (POS) systems that accept credit and debit card payments, apps for inventory tracking, and online ordering.

Toss in the proliferation of apps specifically designed to support local cooks offering home-cooked meals delivered within an hour, and the result is an entirely new set of cottage industry startups that include Yummist, Savorly, and HomeMade.

New players like Yummit provide a platform for cooks to sell freshly prepared, home cooked meals locally. Even some old players like HomeChef that have been delivering pre-portioned meal kits to homes are adding more localized features. Then others, like the Shark Tank promoted business, Plated, have closed down operations, likely due to struggles to successfully handle logistics or pivot into new opportunities.

One thing is certain, an app for selling home cooked food is critical to a home-based chef or food delivery service. Consider the HomeMade app, which is targeted to people selling food from home. These home chefs may even work another job or might not have the culinary skills or space to support a full menu. For them, HomeMade provides a platform where they can concentrate on cooking and selling their signature dishes only, like healthy slaw, lobster mac and cheese, or firehouse chili.

Selling Homemade Food Online

Now is the perfect time for aspiring chefs and entrepreneurs to start selling homemade food online. Maybe you already have experience selling homemade food at craft fairs, and you know what your niche foods or target audience will be. It is important to be streamlined and have a narrow focus in the beginning. So, instead of offering a menu of lunch items, concentrate on your spectacular veggie burgers and sweet potato fries instead.

Or maybe you are skilled in regional cuisines. Then selling food online UK or selling homemade food online Philippines can be your target demographic. Cooking from home to sell locally will be easier to store and safer to deliver. And, that brings us to knowing your local and regional laws and regulations. Most states require at home food sales to follow cottage food laws.

Be prepared for some form of kitchen inspection, and make sure to obtain clearance from a local zoning department, the local department of agriculture, or your department of health. Also, make sure you have a business license before you start selling home made food online. And finally, if you haven't taken formal culinary classes, then make sure you learn proper food handling and storage to prevent food borne illness — some states may require this.

You may want to avoid selling homemade food on Amazon as you get started. Selling foodstuffs on Amazon will require approval for interstate commerce and each product must have a unique identifier or UPC that is trackable and traceable. Instead, learn how to sell homemade food on another platform, like Castiron.

Join hundreds of home cooks using Castiron

You don't have to set up a farmers' market stand to sell your homemade food. Apps and technology have made it easy to sell homemade food online.

Home Cooked Food Delivery

Another niche market to explore is home cooked food delivery. DishDivvy is an example of a lateral opportunity in online homemade food delivery. The company acts as a middleman, supplying a mobile app that connects people looking for homemade delivery with pre-approved home cooks in their area. The company vets all cooks that are posted on their platform with on-site inspections, interviews, and proof of food safety training.

Do your research by investigating some existing home cooked food delivery service providers to get insight on how to deliver home made food online. Great examples to follow include Blue Apron, Purple Carrot, Sunbasket, and Home Chef. Online homemade food delivery can consist of providing meal ingredients along with detailed instruction on food prep and cooking.

Blue Apron offers recipes every week on the food that is delivered to your home. Members can choose from a rotating mix of meat, fish, or plant-based entrees in a variety of serving quantities. Or, you can focus on a target group like Purple Carrot that supplies vegetarian-only meal prep kits for homemade delivery. Consumers have come to discover the many benefits of online homemade food delivery, including:

And don't forget that home kit meals are very popular because they save busy people time and money. This includes the time it takes to shop at the market, the cost of fuel, and no more buying more of an ingredient than what the recipe requires.

How to Sell Homemade Food

It will be necessary to learn the business side and the rules on selling food from home. First, you will need a business license and a permit to sell food from home. Each state, city, and county may have different requirements. But also check your local zoning rules to make sure your home is in the right location for a business. Your local Small Business Administration (SBA) will also be a good resource. Also, much information can be found on local and federal websites for the application process and what fees will be charged.

Financial tips on how to start a small cooking business from home include laying out a detailed business plan. Outline all your startup costs for inventory, cooking equipment, online ordering technology, advertising, and delivery. Don't forget to include overhead costs like the extra electricity, natural gas, water, computer equipment, and packaging supplies you will be using.

If at all possible, talk to others that have learned how to sell food from home legally. A great way to get your feet wet before going all in is to learn how to sell homemade snacks online. This will be less expensive and can give you the experience required to increase your menu options while also building a customer base.

There are rules on selling food from home that apply to individuals and not businesses. For instance, selling homemade food in Canada or in the US is allowed as long as you're not selling to another business like a restaurant or grocery store. Some states require that the food preparers take and pass a food handling and food safety training course and certification before opening for business.

The most commonly asked question from home chefs is, “Do I need a license to sell food from my home?” Legally, in most states the answer is yes. An excellent resource to review can be found at Cottage Food Laws by State: Selling Your Homemade and Home-Canned Foods.

Easy Food to Sell to Make Money

In some U.S. states, there are foods that are prohibited from being cooked and sold from a person's home. While you can sell plates of food, check with your state regulations to see what foods are not allowed. This may include ice cream, and some meat or poultry products, and dairy products — generally items that require refrigeration are not supported by cottage food laws. There are plenty of examples of easy food to sell to make money like homemade applesauce, homemade candies and cookies, breads, and flavored popcorns.

Selling dinners out of your home is another way to operate a home based food service. This can be especially profitable when you partner with local churches, community centers, and non-profit organizations. Learn how to make money selling food from home by starting small. Then grow into selling prepackaged food online or selling plates of food.

Maybe you will decide to operate seasonally. During the spring and summer, foods cooked outdoors on a grill will be fast sellers. And, you can certainly sell plates of food or specialty foods during holiday seasons and sports playoff seasons. Another easy food to sell can be found in niche markets. Consider centering your food business around a certain target audience, like health-conscious people who love a great homemade hummus and veggie plate, herbal smoothies, grain bowls, and super salads.

And finally, you can always think outside the box. Invest in a good smoker, and you will have all the neighborhood salivating for your smoked turkey, fish, peppers, applewood smoked chicken, or smoked lobster tails. With this idea, you may want to add a subscription service that includes various smoked items that you prepare and make available each year, at the same time of year.

No matter which path you take to selling food from home, you will certainly find plenty of technology support and apps to sell homemade food.

Join hundreds of home cooks using Castiron

You don't have to set up a farmers' market stand to sell your homemade food. Apps and technology have made it easy to sell homemade food online.

More About Apps to Sell Homemade Food

When it comes to selling homemade food online, today’s technology makes it easier than ever. In addition to using food selling websites, you can utilize an app to sell homemade food. There is now quite literally an app for everything! 

As you are looking for the best homemade food platform, you need to consider how easily you can connect to your community. Even if the homemade food delivery service app looks professional, you need to understand how many monthly users are already registered. After all, you can’t make any profit by only having a few thousand users across the country seeing your meals. You need to have a wide reach in your community. 

The marketplace for home cooked food that is best for your business is one that makes it easy for both you and your customers to use. Registration for your consumers should be quick and simple. Additionally, their payments should be safe and secure. For you, the app you use to sell your homemade food should not cause a headache or require you to invest hours of your time each week. 

You want to find an app that allows you to track your inventory and orders with ease. After all, you do not want to lose out on a lifelong customer simply because they tried to order from you one time and you did not have the meal available. Your app should easily allow you to mark items as sold out (or even better — make this change automatically). 

It’s also important to keep the cost of doing business in mind. The app you select should be economical for all parties involved. Most apps will require you to pay a monthly fee in order to use it or they will take a small percentage of each sale. These apps may also pass on the service fee to your customers. Make sure you are aware of the costs so you can appropriately price your menu for profits and customer satisfaction. 

How to Make Money Selling Food From Home

You may be wondering, “Can you sell homemade food online?” The answer will depend on where you live, unfortunately. Some states have few regulations while others simply do not permit the sale of homemade food that must be kept at specific temperatures. Furthermore, if you are thinking of selling homemade food on Amazon, you can’t. Food that is sold on Amazon must be created in a commercial kitchen. 

If you are wondering how to deliver home made food online, you will want to consider your radius. No one wants food to arrive at the wrong temperature. If you are selling snacks from home or selling home cooked food to the public that is best served hot, you will need an insulated bag that keeps the food at the right temperature. If you are selling prepackaged food online, consider a hot/cool bag that ensures the temperature is always right. Additionally, keep traffic in mind when you consider how far away you can deliver food. 

For food ideas to sell from home, consider learning how to sell homemade snacks online. Trail mix and popcorn do not require specific temperatures, which makes it easy and profitable to learn how to make money selling food from home. You can easily create a website and sell your gourmet treats to those who are ready for a delicious snack at home. 

Best App to Sell Food

If you are looking for an app that offers homemade food delivery near me, you may be surprised to find several are available on the market. Some are specialized, like Chinese home cooked food delivery, and others are general, such as daily home cooked food delivery. The larger area you live in, the more likely you are to have a range of home-cooked food delivery service apps that can assist you with growing your homemade food business. 

Castiron is the best app to sell homemade food, hands down.We truly believe it is the best app for selling cottage foods, foods made in a commercial kitchen, and more. We help you grow your business and scale to new heights. You can create a full-featured website that allows you to showcase your best dishes to your audience. You also gain access to an entire community of home chefs and bakers like yourself, which allows you to expand your network with ease.  

It’s important to remember that the best app to sell food will vary from one home chef to the next. How easily you can reach your audience, any required fees, and inventory management will all determine what app is best for your business. Most apps allow you to complete a free demo or free, which can help you quickly learn whether or not the app is right for you. 

Sell Food From Home

You may be wondering, “Can I sell food from home?” or “Do you need a license to sell baked goods from home?” and the answer will depend on your zip code. Some states, like Florida, do not require a permit to sell food from home. Others, like Washington state, will require the same commercial kitchen requirements for home chefs in order to sell food for home. The best way to learn how to sell food from home legally is to contact your local health department. 

Your local jurisdiction can answer questions like, “Do I need a license to sell homemade food?” and “Do I need a license to sell food from my home?” If you need a license or permit, you will need to complete the application and likely pay a fee (ranging from $20 to $500 or more). Additionally, you may not be able to sell everything. 

A permit to sell food from home may only allow you to sell cottage foods. These are foods that are considered non-hazardous because they do not require specific storage temperatures or requirements. This means you may be limited to baked goods (like non-customized cakes and cookies), breads, pies, jams, and pickles. 

App for Home Cooked Meals

When you need an app for home cooked meals, you need to consider one that has a large network. Additionally, you need to consider if those in your target audience are even looking for “home cooked food delivery near me” online. Most larger cities will have a demand for a homemade food app. However, smaller areas may not think there is anyone utilizing an app for selling home cooked food. 

Aside from finding the right sell food from home app, you need to consider how you will reach your audience. Your homemade foods likely do not fall under your local cottage food laws. This means you will not be able to sell them at farmers markets or provide free samples as a vendor. Your marketing and advertising will be crucial for helping you reach your audience and make a profit. 

Castiron is a good example for an app that is designed to help home chefs like you. The app allows you to sell on your own schedule, not someone else's.

Join hundreds of home cooks using Castiron

You don't have to set up a farmers' market stand to sell your homemade food. Apps and technology have made it easy to sell homemade food online.

Finding Apps to Sell Homemade Food

Using an app to sell homemade food is a fantastic way to launch a home-cooked food delivery service. Entrepreneurship is on the rise, and aspiring home cooks are leading the charge. Setting out to sell food from home, these new business owners are a part of the phenomenon of cottage cooking and homemade food sales.

Best of all, it's a phenomenon that's still growing. According to the Pew Research Center, the U.S. local food economy in which cottage cooking exists is now worth around $20 billion per year. That's four times what it was worth less than a decade and a half ago.

Cottage cooking sees home cooks use their skills to produce delicious food from the comfort of their own kitchens. Cooking, baking, and marketing food from home is an increasingly reliable way to earn a living. That's thanks in no small part to apps designed to sell homemade food.

Those seeking to cook from home to sell are perfectly catered to with apps like Castiron. These and similar apps can be used to sell homemade food to others in a given neighborhood, town, or city. Some apps even allow talented home cooks to sell to customers further afield.

Enterprising home cooks are now routinely drawing customers to their businesses through social media. Social media followers can then connect with sellers on their favorite apps to order baked goods and all manner of other home-cooked foods. From muffins and pastries to cupcakes and cookies, sweet baked items are universally popular.

At the same time, there's enormous potential across the board. Whatever a skilled home cook can prepare in their kitchen, they can offer to hungry customers using a homemade food-selling app of their choice.

Today, an app to sell homemade food is the basis for many of the best local home-cooked food delivery services. With that, replicating their success and selling food from home has never been easier. By choosing the right platform, home cooks can focus on their food, safe in the knowledge that the app will take care of the rest.

How to Sell Homemade Food Online

Thanks to the likes of food-selling apps such as Castiron, selling homemade food online is largely straightforward. As long as a home cook has the time, space, and culinary skills to get their business off the ground, they can be selling homemade food online in no time.

However, before getting started, it's important to check local laws and regulations concerning how to sell food online from home. Any rules and regulations will typically mirror those designed to govern traditional, offline homemade food businesses more generally.

How to sell homemade food online specifically shouldn't pose any additional hurdles. If you need help working out how to start an online food business from home, search for resources that answer the question 'How can I sell homemade food online?' to get started. It's vital to understand how to tap into high-volume search engine queries, like 'home-cooked food delivery near me,' too.

One of the best ways to do this is by using an app to sell homemade food. Almost all of the most popular, dedicated apps are highly optimized for search engines and use location services to connect home cooks and potential customers based on proximity. A major benefit of this is that it takes much of the hassle out of searching for customers locally, either in person or online.

The best apps also alleviate much of the need to invest time and other resources into search engine optimization, particularly in the early stages of starting an online food business from home. It's for this reason and many others that apps are a great way to kick-start any online journey selling homemade food.

Can You Sell Homemade Food Online?

So, can you sell homemade food online? The short answer is, most likely, yes. As long as you meet the necessary legal and licensing requirements in your local area, there shouldn't be any other obstacles. Again, and by that token, getting to grips with essential rules and regulations should be among any enterprising home cook's first steps in learning how to sell home-cooked food online, both safely and in line with the law.

Local laws and licensing requirements can vary considerably from one town or city to the next. As such, it's a good idea to spend as much time as possible researching the topic. If you're struggling to find answers online, call and speak to the local authority or organization responsible for overseeing takeaway and home-cooked food operations in your area.

In addition to overseeing operations like Chinese home-cooked food delivery and takeout businesses, they may also be responsible for regulating nearby dine-in restaurants and bars. Start by asking, 'Do I need a license to sell homemade food?' or, more specifically, 'Do I need a license to sell food from my home?'

They'll likely refer you to the appropriate cottage food laws, first of all. Among the most critical things in many jurisdictions, as far as cottage food laws are typically concerned, will be food safety and hygiene.

In some instances, the same laws may further govern precisely which types of food can be prepared and sold from home. There may be limitations, which is another reason why it's crucial to familiarize yourself with any determining rules before getting started.

Once you've confirmed that everything is in order, you can get to work. It may prove pertinent to inquire with the local authority or organization responsible for overseeing matters about whether there's an existing marketplace for home-cooked food in the area.

They can often point you in the direction of valuable resources. They may also be able to recommend an app to sell homemade food online in your town or city that already has a strong following locally. With that, you're able to quickly access a potential customer base straight out of the gate.

Join hundreds of home cooks using Castiron

You don't have to set up a farmers' market stand to sell your homemade food. Apps and technology have made it easy to sell homemade food online.

How to Make Money Selling Food From Home

Of course, a passion for cooking or baking is invariably what first attracts food-focused aspiring entrepreneurs to the idea of online homemade food delivery. At the end of the day, however, as a business, it needs to be profitable above all else.

Understanding precisely how to make money selling food from home is invaluable if there's to be continuing success. Similarly, fully appreciating how to sell food from home legally will prevent you from incurring unnecessary fines – something that can seriously impact profits.

Start by exploring existing food-selling websites. These websites are great places to find food ideas to sell from home that have already proved profitable for other home cooks. They can also help you to establish your prices. When you're just starting out, consider undercutting other local homemade food businesses slightly.

Be careful not to discount too heavily, though. Even as a newcomer to the field, it's imperative that what you're doing is always profitable. Selling anything at even a slight loss after your costs have been factored in should never be an option, even when you're new to the game and looking to attract early customers.

Also, remember to account for your time. You need to pay yourself appropriately in addition to covering ingredients, utilities, fuel, and other expenses if your venture is to prosper in the long term.

App For Selling Home-Cooked Food

With the necessary legal and licensing requirements taken care of and with a plan to make enough profit in place, it's time to take a closer look at the best app to sell food from home. Choosing the right app for selling home-cooked food can make all the difference, so it's an important consideration. Choices include Castiron, Homemade, Fromahome, Yummit, Swiggy, and Chefit.

Not all homemade food app choices are available in all markets. Some of the most widely used are those explicitly designed as an app for home-cooked meals originating in India. India has one of the world's largest markets for selling home-cooked food to the public – something that's now catching on rapidly elsewhere around the world.

In the U.S., one choice is a rising star that's now becoming more and more well known: Castiron. Built from the ground up to be an app to sell homemade food, Castiron allows home cooks to focus on the food while their team handles the rest. Homemade alternative Castiron is marketed as a unique software platform purpose-built to help independent food artisans start, build, and grow their businesses.

On which note, ongoing costs are another important factor when choosing an app for selling home-cooked food. Some app developers deduct a percentage of users' earnings, while others apply a flat fee to each order. However a particular app works, it's imperative to factor any charges into your plan to make money selling food from home alongside any other expenses.

How to Sell Homemade Snacks Online

Growing in popularity with customers online are homemade snacks. Selling snacks from home is potentially much easier than producing home-cooked meals. Accordingly, it's a great first step in selling food from home. Learn how to sell homemade snacks online successfully by exploring trending snack items on websites such as Amazon or checking out what's on offer in local grocery stores.

Another benefit of selling homemade snacks online is that a permit to sell food from home may not be necessary purely for such items. Where complications surrounding local laws and regulations may be delaying your efforts to get started with your new venture, selling prepackaged food online in the meantime, including snacks, is a fantastic temporary solution.

Selling prepackaged snacks from home is also a great way to get a firm handle on using an app like Castiron. Once up to speed, you're then in the absolute best position for continued success moving forward.

Growing a Home-Based Food Business with Technology

Many bakers and cooks have been told by their family and friends that they should start selling homemade food online, which is an excellent idea for making extra money. However, food safety laws can sometimes get in the way of cooks getting to sell their food. Most U.S. states have discovered a middle ground where they can pass cottage food laws allowing cooks to sell homemade food with certain limitations on what food can be distributed.

Once you’ve mastered your recipes, it’s not as simple as stopping there. The cottage food business has increased tremendously over the years in the United States, topping $200 million in recent years. The appeal is certainly there because you have the ability to work from home, do something that you truly enjoy and share your skills with those closest to you and more.

If you’re considering selling homemade food from your home, there are a lot of aspects to sort out. The first is: how to sell food from home legally?

There are lots of regulations and laws regarding selling food from home legally. At this time, the District of Columbia and 49 states have cottage food laws in place. The types of homemade food these laws help are for non-hazardous foods like baked goods, bread, jellies, candy and fruit butter. Some states have expanded this to include dry baking mixes and mustards. There are some food operations that do not need permits, and you’ll have to explore your state laws to further understand what that looks like.

You might be searching for an app for selling home cooked food, which can be a helpful asset to your business.

Selling Home Cooked Food to the Public

So, do you need a permit to sell food from home? Prior to selling any homemade food from your kitchen, you might have to submit a food permit application and a business license.

You might ask yourself: “Do I need a license to sell food online?” A license isn’t always necessary; it just depends on your state laws. It’s common for cities and states to require businesses to obtain general business licenses in order to do business. These licenses simply require business addresses and contact information. Even if your state does not require a business license, you are still required to pay taxes, so make sure you keep track of your sales. You do not need a license for every state where you do business but will need one in the state where your business is located.

To obtain a food handler’s permit, you are typically required to pay a fee and take a short course. After this initial process, you’ll be expected to obtain your certification in this course about every couple of years.

Should you search “selling food from home California 2022,” you’ll discover that you are required to get a resale permit and file for a DBA (doing business as) name. California also required you to run an announcement of your DBA name in the local newspaper for at least four weeks. Still, it’s important to double-check your local laws because license agreements could change depending on the county and city you live in.

Thanks to legislative reforms, selling food from home in Florida is pretty simple. Legislators increased the Florida Food Safety Act in 2011 so that non-perishable food made in home kitchens could be sold without a permit. The state amended its rules in 2017 to allow online sales and triple the revenue limit on homemade food sales. The change was supported by the Institute for Justice. It was a good change, but local governments were allowed to interfere with homemade food businesses. Some places were laden with heavier restrictions than others, resulting in the Home Sweet Home Act that took effect in 2021 and raised the revenue cap for homemade food sales to $250,000.

If you search for “selling food from home Washington State,” you’ll find that a cottage food permit is what allows residents to make homemade food such as jams, jellies, baked goods, candies, preserves and more. Typically, cottage food laws limit the sale of nonhazardous or low-risk foods. Other foods, such as meat, poultry and home-canned vegetables and meats, are prohibited. In general, if a food must be refrigerated, frozen or handled precisely to remain safe, it isn’t allowed. Regardless, it’s important to double-check if there is a penalty for selling food without a permit in your locale.

Join hundreds of home cooks using Castiron

You don't have to set up a farmers' market stand to sell your homemade food. Apps and technology have made it easy to sell homemade food online.

How to Make Money Selling Food From Home

If you’re wondering how to make money selling food from home, it’s important that you consider what kind of business you desire. Need inspiration? These home-based business ideas are sure to get your creative juices flowing:

So, is selling food from home profitable? It can be! To make a profit, it’s crucial that you find food that’s easy to sell. These include foods that are simple to prepare and foods that sell due to their high popularity. If you’re unsure of what these foods are, consider searching “best snacks to sell for profit,” “cheap food to sell for profit” and “easy food to sell to make money.” These are great questions to ask to figure out how to sell food from home.

Selling Homemade Food Online

When you first figure out how to sell food online in the U.S., there are a few things to keep in mind. If you can prepare food inexpensively, quickly and easily, then you’re on the right track. Again, choosing popular foods is the best way to sell out and make the most money. If you’ve already reviewed any legal issues for starting your homemade food business and have discovered what products to sell, there are a few other factors you should keep in mind for success:

Overall, it’s essential to know what you’re getting yourself into with this business. It could be a side project for fun, or it could earn you a full-time income. It depends on how much time and money you’re willing to put into it and finding the best food that will turn a profit.

Best App to Sell Food

If you’re looking for the best app to sell your homemade food, there are lots of services out there available to try. There are many services that act as a marketplace for homemade meals on demand as a homemade food selling app. You can explore other services by doing an online search for “homemade food near me,” “homemade food startup” or “homemade food website.”

Our company, Castiron, is a new software company with the purpose of helping independent food artisans start, build and grow their new businesses to sell food from home. It’s affordable for artisans, which is great because we understand how important it is to have a digital presence as a business owner and believe this resource should be accessible. Our team has worked hard to tailor our services to fit all the needs of homemade food creators who are selling their food to friends, family and other consumers through social media and word of mouth. Once you get your profile set up, you’ll have a one-stop shop for selling food, managing your orders and communicating regularly with your customers. Setting up your online presence with our help is an excellent way to kickstart your business. A website is a key part of ensuring that people know you’re ready for business. You can even use your website to attract gift sales and bulk sales to sell homemade food online during the holiday seasons!


For those who are looking for the right app to sell homemade food, they will need to consider a few factors before making the best choice. The average monthly users will greatly influence whether or not the app is right for your home chef business. If there aren’t enough users in your area, the fees for using the app will not help you garner the best profit.

Additionally, the ease of inventory management is an important factor. You do not want to sell more dishes than you can make. This can easily scare off new customers and prevent long time customers from ordering from you again. 

While several choices are available on the market, few offer the same sense of community as Castiron. Our large network of entrepreneurs just like you allows you to gain access to those who are seasoned cottage chef operators. You can grow your network and gain advice as you need it.

Additional Resources

App for Home Chefs | ‍App for Home Food | App for Selling Home Cooked Food | App to Sell Homemade Food | Bookkeeping Software for Food Businesses | Ecommerce for Home Kitchen Business | Food Costing Software | Home Kitchen Management App | Home Kitchen Management Platform | Home Kitchen Management Software

You don't have to set up a farmers' market stand to sell your homemade food. Apps and technology have made it easy to sell homemade food online.

Heather Brookshire

The Cake Whisperer


My business would not be the same without my Castiron website! It is an easy setup with lots of customization and tons of support! I am so glad I set up my shop last year before the holidays — it really helped increase my sales!

Amanda McMonigle

The Whimsical Cookie


Castiron provides me a professional site to my customers increasing my credibility and value while giving me the tools to effectively market and manage my business in an easy, user-friendly manner.

Kim Sims

Wesley's Treats Hallie's Sweets


Castiron has made my cottage bakery shine, and my business easy to manage. As a platform they care about my business as much as I do.

Katie Maschoff

Mill City Cooking Company


Before Castiron, I was taking orders really manually, through emails or texts or Facebook. Now I can send customers straight to my website, and I don’t have to worry about missing any details.

Daniella Smith

Oso Good Clean Eats


I couldn't run my business without the Castiron platform. It made it so easy to get my shop up and running — it truly removed a massive barrier to me getting started!

Ali Serpe

Kultured Kombucha


I realized that the barrier of having to DM or text me to order was holding a lot of potential customers back.

Now that I have a professional website and a simple ecommerce checkout, I'm seeing a huge increase in new customers and they appreciate how easy Castiron makes ordering.

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Explore our tools for free during a 14-day free trial. Start building your website, create your custom order forms, even start taking orders and payments... then decide if it’s for you.

Let's grow together.

Easy to start, created specifically for local, handmade food: Castiron’s website builder was created to help you grow. Create a website in minutes with our templates, sell where and how your customers want to buy, and look professional without being technical. Keep customers coming back with email marketing tools, customer records, and more.

The Best Fit for Your Food Business

Food entrepreneurs, this is your moment. Your community is more and more conscious about what they buy and where it is from. They want food made with love. With ingredients they can pronounce. And they want to support their community while doing it.

Castiron is the best fit for your food business because we're not a one-size-fits-all tool. Selling local food is different from pre-packaged warehouse products. Whether you sell cooking classes, need local pick up, utilize pre-sales to plan inventory, or need a fully custom order form — we got you.

Start 14-Day Free Castiron Trial
Build a Custom Website

No code required. Add pages, sell your products, build order forms, and show off your beautiful work. We'll handle the tech so you can focus on growing your food business.

Make Buying Painless

Never track down a payment or oversell products again. Real-time inventory tracking and secure payment processing make life easier for you and your customers, and our order form builder makes managing custom requests a breeze.

Promote Without the Effort

With our marketing tools, your email marketing can go on autopilot. We make it easy to promote your latest products, announce custom order availability, and stay connected with customers.

Join thousands of artisans who are already working less and selling more!