4 SEO Tips Your Food Business Can Use Right Now

March 15, 2023

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    November 29, 2022

    Every second Google processes over 99,000 searches. That means there are just about 8.5 billion Google searches each and every day. Of those 8.5 billion searches, 75% of users stick to just the first page of search results. So, you probably want your business’s website on the first page of search results, right? To do so, it’s crucial you implement search engine optimization in order to increase your site’s visibility and search engine ranking. 

    What is SEO?

    Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of search engines (e.g., Google).

    Why does SEO matter?

    75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engine results.

    In other words, getting your business’s website to the top of the search results vastly increases the chances of people visiting your site.

    While many marketing tactics rely on you reaching out to your target audience, SEO gives you the power to reach potential customers when they are seeking out information related to your products and services. For example, SEO can help your company website show up when someone searches for “cupcakes near me” or “custom birthday cakes.” 

    In short, properly implementing SEO into your food business’s strategy can boost your website’s rank on search engines and therefore get more potential customers browsing your products! Don’t let that scare you, though. You don’t have to be a marketing pro to make the small changes that can have a big impact on your ranking.

    SEO Tips for Food Business Owners

    SEO success ultimately comes down to the words on your website, and how well your website gets your audience what they need. The content on your site, as well as things like the speed, security, and layout of your website all have an impact on your rankings.


    In order for your website to show up when someone searches for a keyword, you must create an online association between your business and that word(s). For example, if your business operates out of Atlanta, you need keywords on your website that connect your business back to Atlanta to drive in local customers. 

    Quick Tip #1: Put your business location on your website and in your social media bios

    Get specific! Specify your city, state, and service areas.

    There are over 30 cities named Jackson in the United States! Be sure to include your state or neighborhood to make it easy for customers to buy from you.

    Quick Tip #2: Call out what makes your business unique

    Do you make allergen-friendly products? Are you a Black-owned business? Share as much about yourself and your business as you’re comfortable with! These criteria can help set you apart from other businesses.

    Castiron has pre-made shop badges that you can list on your storefront to let search engines know more about your business (e.g., gluten-free, plant-based, woman-owned).

    Quality Content

    Sharing quality content will help increase session time (i.e., how long people stay on your site). What is quality content? It’s content that fulfills the needs of your audience. If someone searches for vegan cakes in Atlanta, but you’re selling meal prep in Detroit, their needs will not be met on your site. Make sure that your site is aligned with whatever you’re showing up for in search results.

    Having longer session times indicate to search engines that your website is full of quality content and should be ranked highly.

    Quick Tip #3: Revamp your product descriptions to answer a few key questions
    • What is your product made out of? How do you make it?
    • What occasions would your product be good for? Birthdays? Anniversaries? 
    • Where can your product be picked up? What service areas?

    For more information, check out Writing Food Descriptions That SELL on our YouTube channel!

    Direct Traffic 

    Generally, direct traffic is created by users manually typing in your website’s URL or clicking on a bookmarked link. In addition, direct traffic can be generated through emails, text messages, and other means. 

    Large amounts of direct traffic indicate to search engines that your website has high authority and value.

    Quick Tip #4: Send out your website link via email or text message campaign to boost direct traffic

    Not sure how to start an email campaign? Castiron has beautiful, customizable email templates that can be sent to customers just like that! 

    One of many great things about SEO is that it is relatively cheap and extremely cost-effective. While you might not see results overnight, every change you make has an impact on how you’ll start showing up on Google. 

    Start boosting your website’s search engine ranking now by using these tips and tricks! Over time, your brand credibility will inevitably grow alongside your website traffic and customer engagement (which means more sales!).

    For a deeper dive into SEO, check out What Food Business Owners Need to Know About SEO with Cyd Mitchell of Sugar Coin Academy.

    About the Author

    The Food Business Management Platform

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